I am a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in the psychology of investing. I find it fascinating to explore how people think and make decisions, especially when it comes to facing risks and uncertainties.

I write books that focus on understanding why we tend to rely on Cognitive Biases when making difficult investment decisions. Cognitive Biases are flawed mental shortcuts that we often use without realizing it. Unfortunately, these shortcuts can have a significant negative impact on wealth management and financial planning.

My ultimate aim is to help individuals recognize their default thinking biases and find ways to overcome their influence. To achieve this, I employ a technique called "nudging." Nudging strategies are specifically designed to counter the detrimental thoughts and emotions that commonly affect investors. By employing simple solutions and crafting personalized psychological nudges, we can greatly enhance our decision-making in the realm of investing.

I hope my work can assist you in gaining clarity and making more informed investment choices.

This book introduces you to a concept called Mental Models. Carefully crafted Mental Models provide a blueprint that makes sense of the world and provides rules of conduct for any given situation. They provide the foundation for strategic, organized and systematic investing efforts. In short, Mental Models help you think straight.                                              

Mental Models explain how things work. They are comprised of rules of thumb that help us decide what is essential and what isn’t. Mental Models simplify investment information by controlling what we pay attention to and what we ignore. This vital nudge brings order and clarity to the investment process. 

Mental Models promote effective decision-making and reduce the negative emotions that trigger poor investment decisions. Thinking models are vital for helping us avoid disastrous investment errors.                                       

Nudge Psychology offers an exciting approach to successful investing. 

Drawing on decades of research by writers such as Nobel Prize winners Richard Thaler and Daniel Kahneman, Nudge Psychology explains the concept of nudging and offers a number of practical, carefully crafted, systematic strategies designed to greatly increase your investing skills.

Read this book and prosper! 

Daniel Kahneman is a world-famous psychologist who has won widespread acclaim for his work regarding decision-making and judgment. This book is about his major contributions as they apply to investing. Read this book and become a better thinker and a much better investor.

His work has profoundly impacted how investors think and behave when faced with decisions involving uncertainty and risk. His voluminous research has demonstrated our irrationality when we are faced with difficult and complex choices.  

His pioneering work in this field lead to being awarded the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics.  

He has written extensively. His Thinking, Fast and Slow book, enjoyed international acclaim. He has written dozens of research papers that form the bedrock of his work in Behavioral Economics. His thoughts have touched millions. His thoughts will make you smarter.  

This book is specifically designed for the person who is just beginning their investment journey. It is a straightforward and practical guide designed to help you improve your decision-making skills. It is filled with numerous insights that I have gained through years of research and study. This book will teach you how to make smarter investment decisions by using various decision-making models which are described in the  book.

It will help you overcome the headwinds that stand in the way of sound decision-making. You'll learn how to identify and deal with cognitive biases, emotional factors, and other obstacles that stand in the way of your road to success. 

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